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Recent Movie Reviews

3 Movie Reviews

Fluid and amazing throughout; it also made me truly laugh at certain points, especially the ending part where Hank and his companion were just there standing right as their passenger ship got sank singlehandedly by the then-attacking demolitionist back at the Nevada area.

Surrealistic, and yet decently watchable. And that end part? Really spot-on, especially that one voice who's almost screaming out loud out of refusing to sleep.

I honestly feel sympathy for that young mom, and possibly our own parents, whereever they might be. And even with this somewhat-crudely drawn piece of animation, it even mirrors the struggles they face whilst trying to support their own families, even at this age of the menacedemic. Good job, good heart-warming job.

Temorinki responds:

funny that you say this cause this animation is my reality, but well, i havent participated in these last NG jam rounds to take a real break and go to therapy, ill came back for the 4th round, less stressed, and more realized, thanks for your sincere coment

Recent Game Reviews

1 Game Review

This game of yours is really challenge-worthy and addictive, aside from the chain of bomb explosions that'll sure to yeet one off if their strategy happens to fall apart.

AnderssonKev responds:

I really appreciate that! Makes me very happy to hear :D

Recent Audio Reviews

13 Audio Reviews

Despite the apparent simplicity of the samples you used for this trackertune, the amount of expression heard in that lead parts, as well as the dual-natured background sequenced squares, is quite impeccable, almost as if an actual Middle Eastern musician gave it a shot and produced something that's reminiscent of actual Middle Eastern music, as opposed to the pastiche nature of orientalist music. Rating's a commendable one.


Viraxor responds:

Thanks JWPH! It's not in the samples, it's in the notes :)

It's bespoke of a pastel-hued fever dream, isn't it? And in a fun sort of way, even when it doesn't traditionally make any sense.

Viraxor responds:

I had the feeling of a forced smile in my head when I made this. :)

Listening through this track of yours, it does just enough to communicate a sense of hopelessness, with equal amounts of frantic-ness and aggression, on a fine balance of the chipped and acoustic (in this case, the orchestral and drum parts). Although, as a minor nitpick, at around 0:34, the gain and compression seems a bit too high for my ears, especially when the samples join in harmony together. Overall, quite effective and cowboy-western-sounding.

CicloOfficial responds:

yoo thanks for the feedback, i rly appreciate it. As for the tune, i kinda agree, but at the same time idk what i was doing so yeah. Also at some points it is too loud and it really needs to be fixed :)

Recent Art Reviews

20 Art Reviews

Ah, what a bubbly, rascal-y dragon slime dragon, indeed, and quite good. Here's to yet another prosperous Lunar New Year, carbordtoaster!

There's that good enough character design, I'd say!

Another commendable, vibrant scenescape this one is; the horizon positioning, in particular, is just right and stays within the line.

SourCherryJack responds:

I've always been okay at coloring INSIDE the lines.

(aka JWPH, Jup or J. Piter)
A semi-nomadic online traveller with a side dose of archiving, scenescapes, the demoscene, rhythm games, and just about anything green.



Joined on 8/7/21

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